Sunday, June 5, 2016

Ernest Hemingway's Love Letter to Marlene Dietrich

Noutra anotación falamos da carta que Ernest Hemingway escribiu a Marlene Dietrich no 1955 e que foi a primeira carta dispoñible para subasta pública desde 1997. Se vos interesaba mercala, sinto decepcionarvos, vendeuse no 2014.

A carta data do 28 de agosto de 1955 e está dirixida a "Dearest Kraut", a apelativo co que se dirixía a Dietrich, e firmada "Papa". Escribiuse durante a rodaxe do filme The Old Man and the Sea e seis anos antes do suicidio de Hemingway. Dietrich estaba no medio da súa exitosa carreira nas Vegas e ámbolos dous tiñan as súas respectivas parellas, pero tiveron esta relación amorosa. A Hemingway xa sabemos que lle gustaban as mulleres e Dietrich tamén fixo o que puido con JFK, Greta Garbo e John Wayne.

Coñecéronse no Île de France, un barco de luxo, de camiño a Nova Iorque no 1934. Hemingway viña dun safari africano e Dietrich voltaba despois de visitar á familia na Alemaña nazi. Intercambiaron cartas durante trinta anos. Hemingway explicoulle a un amigo que a súa aventura nunca se consumara porque eran "vítimas dun amor non sincronizado. Cando eu estaba desenamorado, a Kraut estaba nunha profunda tribulación romántica, e cando Dietrich estaba na superficie nadando con eses ollos buscóns, eu estaba sumerxido" (traducido deste artigo).

Dietrich queixárase da reacción a un dos seus espectáculos nas Vegas. Na carta, Hemingway imaxina como se pode mellorar a actuación, primeiro cunha fantasía explícita entre eles dous, despois máis serio falándolle do seu traballo e dos seus sentimentos por ela.

Dearest Kraut :

Thanks very much for the good long letter with the gen on what you found wrong. I don’t know anything about the theater but I don’t think it would occur to me, even, to have you introduced even to me with strains of La Vie En Rose. Poor peoples.

If I were staging it would probably have something novel like having you shot onto the stage, drunk, from a self-propelled minnenwerfer which would advance in from the street rolling over the customers. We would be playing “Land of Hope and Glory.” As you landed on the stage drunk and naked I would advance from the rear, or from your rear wearing evening clothes and would hurriedly strip off my evening clothes to cover you revealing the physique of Burt Lancaster Strongfort and announce that we were sorry that we did not know the lady was loaded. All this time the Thirty ton S/P/ Mortar would be bulldozing the customers as we break into the Abortion Scene from “Lakme.” This is a scene which is really Spine Tingling and I have just the spine for it. I play it with a Giant Rubber Whale called Captain Ahab and all the time we are working on you with pulmotors and raversed (sic) cleaners which blow my evening clothes off you. You are foaming at the mouth of course to show that we are really acting and we bottle the foam and sell it to any surviving customers. You are referred to in the contract as The Artist and I am just Captain Ahab. Fortunately I am crazed and I keep shouting “Fire One. Fire Two. Fire Three.” And don’t think we do not fire them. It is then that the Germ of the Mutiny is born in your disheveled brain.

But why should a great Artist-Captain like me invent so many for so few for only air-mail love on Sunday morning when I should be in church. Only for fun, I guess. Gentlemen, crank up your hearses.

Marlene, darling, I write stories but I have no grace for fucking them up for other mediums. It was hard enough for me to learn to write to be read by the human eye. I do not know how, nor do I care to know how to write to be read by parrots, monkeys, apes, baboons, nor actors.

I love you very much and I never wanted to get mixed in any business with you as I wrote you when this thing first was brought up. Neither of us has enough whore blood for that. Not but what I number many splendid whores amongst my best friends and certainly never, I hope, could be accused of anti-whoreism. Not only that but I was circumcised as a very early age.

Hope you have it good in California and Las Vegas. What I hear from the boys is that many people in La Vegas (sic) or three or four anyway of the mains are over-extended. This is very straightgen but everybody knows it if I know it although I have not told anyone what I’ve heard and don’t tell you. But watch all money ends. Some people would as soon have the publicity of making you look bad as of your expected and legitimate success. But that is the way everything is everywhere and no criticism of Nevada or anyone there. Cut this paragraph out of this letter and burn it if you want to keep the rest of the letter in case you thought any of it funny. I rely on you as a Kraut officer and gentlemen do this.

New Paragraph. I love you very much and wish you luck. Wish me some too. Book is on page 592. This week Thursday we start photography on fishing. Am in charge of fishing etc. and it is going to be difficult enough. With a bad back a little worse. The Artist is not here naturally. I only wrote the book but must do the work as well and have no stand-in. Up at 0450 knock off at I930. This goes on for I5 days.

I think you could say you and I have earned whatever dough the people let us keep.

So what. So Merdre. I love you as always.


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