Alegreime o venres (10 de xuño) pola nova de que Rod Stewart, cos seus 71 anos, foi nomeado "Sir" pola raíña Isabel de Inglaterra pola súa labor tanto no ámbito da música como na caridade. "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy", "Sailing", "Maggie May", "The First Cut is the Deepest", "Tonight's the Night (Gonna Be Alright)" estaban na lista dos imprescindibles e da banda sonora dos nosos anos universitarios grazas aos CDs de Bea Muruais, que xa vos mencionaba noutra anotación, cando falamos de Tom Waits (grazas Bea!).
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Porén, a min a canción que sempre me fascinou (e segue facéndoo) del foi "Stay With Me", que é da etapa previa de Rod Stewart con The Faces (1969-1975). Ese comezo así ao basto: "Pola mañá non me digas que me queres porque só che sacarei a patadas pola porta."
Estoutra peza, "You Wear It Well" (1972), ben se lle podía aplicar a Sir Rod, que leva bastante ben os setenta e pico, con vitalidade e espíritu mozo, non vos parece? Escribiuse como unha colaboración entre Rod Stewart e Martin Quittenton, e moitos a clasifican coma unha balada "blue-eyed soul", categorizándoa coma música fácil e demasiado similar a "Maggie May". Persoalmente "You Wear It Well" encántame. Unha carta a un antigo amor, sen resentimento, dicíndolle, "Mira, pasáronche os anos por riba, pero que ben che sentan, que ben levados".
"You Wear It Well"
I had nothing to do on this hot afternoon
But to settle down and write you a line
I've been meaning to phone you but from Minnesota
Hell it's been a very long time
You wear it well
A little old fashioned but that's all right
Well I suppose you're thinking I bet he's sinking
Or he wouldn't get in touch with me
Oh I ain't begging or losing my head
I sure do want you to know that you wear it well
There ain't a lady in the land so fine
Remember them basement parties, your brother's karate
The all day rock and roll shows
Them homesick blues and radical views
Haven't left a mark on you, you wear it well
A little out of time but I don't mind
But I ain't forgetting that you were once mine
But I blew it without even tryin'
Now I'm eatin' my heart out
Tryin' to get a letter through
Since you've been gone it's hard to carry on
I'm gonna write about the birthday gown that I bought in town
When you sat down and cried on the stairs
You knew it did not cost the earth, but for what it's worth
You made me feel a millionaire and you wear it well
Madame Onassis got nothing on you
Anyway, my coffee's cold and I'm getting told
That I gotta get back to work
So when the sun goes low and you're home all alone
Think of me and try not to laugh and I wear it well
I don't object if you call collect
'Cause I ain't forgetting that you were once mine
But I blew it without even tryin'
Now I'm eatin' my heart out tryin' to get back to you
After all the years I hope it's the same address
Since you've been gone it's hard to carry on
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