Sunday, August 5, 2018

1,000 entries: Send Your Letters!

“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely,
 "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” 

As cousas nacen sendo unha cousa e acaban converténdose noutra. O cambio e a evolución dan beleza á vida.

Así pasou tamén con esta bitácora, que naceu un 19 de setembro de 2015 cuns obxectivos en mente que se foron cumprindo no tempo e, pechada esa etapa, converteuse noutra cousa, nunha especie de diario de lecturas, de descubertas e de cousas fermosas que pasaron polo camiño. Case catro anos de compartir recordos, instantáneas, humores, versos, intentos de crítica literaria, un algo de banda sonora, medio chisco de cine e centos de alusións gratuítas a referencias millennial (ou non).

Porén, o fío condutor, as cartas, a palabra, a escrita creativa "da man ao corazón" en todas as súas dimensións sobreviviu nesa viaxe de exploración e investigación que foi conxunta: Conversas derivadas de lecturas recomendadas, de lugares para visitar, músicas de cabeceira, imaxes para gravar na retina ou palabras para atesourar.

Despois de case catro anos compartidos, a piques das 1.000 entradas, ás portas das 200.000 visitas e cun recén estreado nomeamento de "embaixadora Postcrossing" (podedes atopar máis información aquí baixo o epígrafe "What is a Postcrossing ambassador?") convídovos a participar no decimonónico exercicio de escribir unha carta, así, ao vello estilo, e enviarma ao seguinte enderezo:

Podedes contarme como chegastes ao blog, algo sobre cartas ou correo postal, o que vos gustaría ver neste espazo, compartir algunha lectura interesante, ... en fin: o que queirades! Non esquezades incluír o voso enderezo na carta ou postal. Ireivos respondendo un a un con algunhas palabras da man ao corazón.

Se non vos animades ao correo postal, tamén podedes deixar un comentario, que sempre se agradece a retroalimentación.

Grazas, sempre, por ler e por compartir!

“Begin at the beginning," the King said, very gravely,
 "and go on till you come to the end: then stop.” 

Projects are born one way and then they turn into something else. That constant change and evolution is what gives life its beauty. 

Thus it happened with this blog, born September 19, 2015 with some objectives in mind that were fulfilled over time, and then went on to become something else. A sort of reading journal including also discoveries of beautiful things found along the way. Almost four years of sharing memories, photo snaps, moods, verses, attempts to write fair reviews, some songs to serve as a life soundtrack, a couple of movies and hundreds of millennial (or not) cultural references.

However, the central thread: letters, words, creative writing from hand to heart in all of its dimensions, has survived in this research and exploratory journey involving conversations about shared readings, places to visit, unmissable music, images to keep on our retinas or words to be pronounced.

Almost four years, almost 1,000 entries, almost 200,000 visits  and a recent milestone: being named a Poscrossing ambassador (you can find more info clicking here and searching for the FAQ "What is a Postcrossing ambassador?"). To celebrate, would you join in the 19th-century exercise of writing a letter, the good old way, and mail it to this address?

You can tell me how you found this blog, something about letters or mail, what you would like to see in this space, share a recent reading, ... whatever you fancy! Do not forget to include your address in your letter or card so that I can reply back to you with some words from hand to heart.

If you don't have the time to write a letter or card, a comment in any of the entries will be very welcome and greatly appreciated.

Forever grateful to you for reading and sharing!

They're ready to go out to you

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