Sunday, August 21, 2016

Hands and Heart in Exhibitions: "Rostros do país"

The exhibition "Rostros do paísconsists of unique color portraits by the photographer Xurxo Lobato (1956) displayed at the Biblioteca e Arquivo de Galicia until September 18.

The show is a wonderful opportunity to see the compassionate and intimate photographs of working class life by someone who aims at portraying personalities or faces with the underlying implicit objective of showing us our society and our country (Galicia). It is also very original inasmuch as he represents 70 people that have been portrayed in their work environment, therefore depicting a complex sociological landscape, the landscape of Galicia in the 21st century. Ramón Villares, president of the Consello da Cultura Galega mentioned that "The choice of portraits does not constitute a canonic image, but it allows us to appreciate the basic lines of Galicia nowadays, in its social and institutional structure, but also in the fields of work and factories, culture and identity".

The “Rostros do país” exhibition is a welcome rediscovery of Lobato, his seriousness and aesthetic sensibility… and a sharp contrast to the self-absorption and worship of celebrity that is evidenced in so much photography today.

Susana Seivane - Gaiteira - Cambre 

Antonina Semedo - Inmigrante caboverdiana - Foz

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