Sunday, November 27, 2016

The Heart in Poems: Antonio Machado


Tuvo mi corazón, encrucijada
de cien caminos, todos pasajeros,
un gentío sin cita ni posada,
como en andén ruidoso de viajeros.

Hizo a los cuatro vientos su jornada,
disperso el corazón por cien senderos
de llana tierra o piedra aborrascada,
y, a la suerte, en el mar, de cien veleros.

Hoy, enjambre que torna a su colmena
cuando el bando de cuervos enronquece
en busca de su peña denegrida,

vuelve mi corazón a su faena,
con néctares del campo que florece
y luto de la tarde desabrida.

The Work

My heart was where a hundred dusty roads
crossed and then ran on; or it was a station
full of hopeful travelers, though not one
had either lodgings or a real appointment.
Whatever it was - my heart, within a day,
was scattered on a hundred winds, and sped
through canyons, deserts, river-plains and valleys
to dark ports, sea-lanes, unmapped continents.

But now, like a swarm returning to the hive
at that purple hour when all the cross go hoarse
and sail off to the crags and the black caves,
my heart turns to its melancholy work
with honey gathered from a hundred flowers
and the hundred sorrows of the gathering dark.

Translation by D. Patterson

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